Landscape Plants
Plants used in our landscape designs provide or enhance the focal points of a landscape. We understand that many people do not wish to wait for 15 or 20 years for their landscape plants to reach a mature size that will best display in their yard or garden. For this reason we personally select large specimen landscape plants from a local nursery on Vancouver Island to ensure they will meet the needs of our clients. These include trees and shrubs of many sizes, some of which may only grow to 1 meter tall and wide after 20 years. By using a mature tree the owner has much less to worry about concerning pruning and some other maintenance factors associated with younger trees in addition to the time needed for growth.
The designs of our landscapes are intended to reduce basic maintenance to the lowest level possible by placing landscape plants in such a way that even after many years of growing they will not become crowded, preventing the need to create space by destruction. For these reasons after only a few years our work looks to be well established and gains the appearance of maturity in a short amount of time.